Kaxite PTFE offer high quality PTFE materials by ensuring that we use high quality PTFE materials. Our material is supplied to a standard to
meet our data sheet minimum physical property requirements.
The quality of a semi finished PTFE polymer or compound of PTFE (glass, bronze, carbon etc) can be measured relatively easily by utilising
key measurements of their properties:
Specific gravity or SG
Tensile strength – ie the point at which a test specimen will break under a known load Elongation – the amount the material will “stretch”
prior to breaking Other more complex tests can be performed to but the above represent the key indicator of the quality of the PTFE
material. These can also be used to indicate that the material has been correctly processed and sintered.
The physical properties of Kaxite PTFE's high quality PTFE materials are regularly tested in house, utilising our own equipment.
Kaxite PTFE can also test bond strength and perform peel tests to measure the strength of a PTFE to metal bond for our range of slide